Attendance Policy
Please call the school to inform us if your child will be absent.
Compulsory Attendance Law
According to state law, school attendance is mandatory for children.
Students will be excused for the following absences and tardies; a doctor/dental appointment, death in the family, religious commitment, illness, family emergency, or diagnostic testing.
A doctor's note will be required for absences longer than three consecutive days or when a pattern of absences.
Family vacations are unexcused absences.
Students will be dropped after the 10th consecutive absence.
Late Students Will:
Be escorted to the office by a parent guardian.
Check in at the office to receive a tardy slip.
Return the tardy slip to the classroom teacher.
Letters Home to Parents
3 Day Letter: Sent after 3 days of unexcused absences
5 Day Letter Sent By District Attorney: Sent after 5 days of unexcused absences
7 Day Letter: Sent after 7 days of unexcused absences
10 Day Letter: Sent after 10 days of unexcused absences