Elementary Drop-Off and Pick-Up Information
All Drop-Off and Pick-Up will occur on the west side of the school on Corbett Ave. and J.W. Shaw St.
(For the safety of everyone, please always proceed with caution)
Pre-K – 5 th Grade Drop-Off Procedures
For Drop-Off only- enter from Highway 60
Drop-Off will be on Corbett Ave., directly behind the south playground basketball court.
If buses are present, please exit onto J.W. Shaw St.
Watch for students & buses.

Pre-K – 5 th Grade Dismissal Procedures
Parents will line up facing East on J.W. Shaw Street. They will remain parked until all buses have been dismissed. All older siblings will be grouped with younger siblings at dismissal time.
Teachers on duty will guide parents towards the West gate to load students on the right side of their vehicles.
When your child(ren) are loaded, please follow the vehicle in front of you and proceed to W. Beal to exit.